by Andrea Lindal | Oct 20, 2015 | Blog
Using Google Analytics to improve AdWords Campaigns .AdWords and Google Analytics really are better together. Best of all, it’s easy to link them. I came across this short video series (videos are just below here) that I thought would be beneficial to those who...
by Andrea Lindal | Jul 30, 2015 | Social Media
Ever make a change on LinkedIn and you’re not happy that it showed your entire network… and if you made that change a few times, your network saw that a few times to?. Here’s the solution to that little problem. Spend a minute with me in this tutorial and...
by Andrea Lindal | Jul 23, 2015 | Social Media
If you’re using social for business, you’re likely on Twitter. Twitter is a pretty powerful little tool but is often under utilized. Saying Thank you on Twitter is a simple way of connecting with a simple Thank you. CLICK HERE to view this tutorial on...
by Andrea Lindal | Jul 10, 2015 | Social Media
Ever wondered how to use ADVANCED SEARCH on LinkedIn? Spend a few minutes with me to learn how to efficiently use Advanced Search to find specific connections, potential clients or maybe even sales leads....
by Andrea Lindal | Jun 11, 2015 | Social Media
There are many ways to drive a Facebook contest and we’ve chosen 3 of our favourites to share with you in this article. . But First: Keep your Facebook Contest end goal in mind and consider who you want to attract to your specific promotion. Brand the promotion...