The “Rule of 7” is a marketing principle stating that in order for a consumer to take some sort of action, such as making a purchase from your business, they must be exposed to your brand/marketing message at least 7 times.

This concept has been a cornerstone of traditional marketing strategies for decades, emphasizing the importance of repetition and consistency in reaching and influencing potential customers.
But with technology, the changes in consumer behavior and the rapid development of digital marketing properties, the Rule of 7 has been transformed significantly.
How many touchpoints do you think your ideal customer needs,
before they make a purchase from your business?
- Increased Channels and Touchpoints: Brands can now reach consumers through a multitude of digital marketing platforms, including websites, social media, email, and search engines. This has expanded the conduits through which the Rule of 7 can be applied which allows for more exposure and interaction possibilities.
- Personalization and Targeting: Marketers can now employ digital tools to personalize communications according to user choices, demographics, and behaviours. Connections can be made more effective with a tailored approach, which could mean fewer exposures are needed to turn a prospect into a customer.
- Shortened Attention Spans: In contrast to traditional media, digital marketing often requires a shorter and more succinct message to capture and hold the viewers attention. According to Fors Marsh, Facebook news feeds see people spend 1.7 seconds (on avg.) viewing a piece of content. According to SambaRecovery, the average adult internet user’s attention span is 8.25 seconds. We follow a 3 second rule of thumb; capture their attention in less than 3 seconds or they move on.
- Data Analytics and Measurement: Marketers can monitor the efficacy of each engagement in real-time with the help of powerful analytics tools (such as Google Analytics). This kind of data can help improve initiatives, tweak campaigns and speed up conversions.
- Omni-channel Integration: These days, consumers demand consistent experiences across all platforms – there is no room for confusion with your brand. In order to strengthen brand recognition and trust, the Rule of 7 now includes attempts to keep branding and messaging consistent across different digital touchpoints.
- Engaging Content: Digital platforms allow marketers to interact like never before with things like polls, quizzes, and video. Including interactivity in your mix of materials can enhance engagement and conversion. Click here to see Lexabi’s content ideas series – tons of free ideas just for you!
- Global Reach and Accessibility: Small businesses have the ability to reach global audiences like never before. However, this has also created a necessity to ensure messages are effective through diverse markets.
Overall, while the essence of the Rule of 7 remains relevant in today’s digital age, its application has evolved to leverage the capabilities of digital marketing. This author feels that with all the traffic we are inundated with on social media, google and more, it’s more like the rule of 70!
“Brands need to stand out and use these global tools effectively and consistently.”
Forge ahead with targeted, engaging intent and take time to review results. Understanding the rule of 7 is still a foundational element of marketing and why people do business with one brand over another. If you’re not utilizing digital tools, your competitors are.