Relax and ENGAGE on Social Media this summer!

These next few months are so much fun and there’s just so much you can do, let’s get right to the social media content ideas for July, August and September!
The summer heat can be deadly to pets and humans so it’s always a good time to remind people of the dangers. And don’t be afraid to remind people a few times, especially if you’re industry represents animals or children.
If you’re in health, beauty or sun products now is certainly a good time to provide people with sun safety tips, including the importance of water, healthy eating and simply using hats and sunscreen.

Fill-in-the-blanks is a creative way to get people to engage. Remember, that when people are engaging on your social media (engagement is a comment, like or share – basically an action), this shows the platform that your feed is ‘popular’ which may equate to the social platform delivering your posts more than average. Fill in the blanks can be as simple as:
My favourite popsicle is __________________________, or
I love ______________________________ in the summertime.
People will answer in the comments so make sure you like their answers or even comment back to them.
If no one partakes in your efforts for engagement, don’t get discouraged. It could be that your initiative just didn’t resonate with them or perhaps you just don’t have many followers/likes yet. Give it time and keep up the great work!
Feature some ‘cool’ recipe or drink ideas. This certainly makes sense if you’re in the food or beverage industry but even if you’re in patio sales, a recipe can be a very complimentary post idea – perhaps with an awesome picture of the recipe on one of your nicest patio tables!
Host an ‘Ask me Anything’ series. You could do this weekly or even monthly and using LinkedIn or Facebook Live is a terrific medium for this type of thing. Remember to have a good conversation starter when you do these; it will make people feel more comfortable if you set the stage just right.
We’re always talking about GETTING engagement, how about GIVING SOME! Every industry has competition but we also have complementary businesses, subsidiaries, partners, sponsors, and even charities we support. Make an effort to share someone else’s social media content every once in a while, all year long!
Getting into September is all about going back to school (and getting back to our regular routines) so be helpful by reminding people about school zones, lunch ideas, fall activities and children’s safety.
Commit to a weekly video series. Video does not need to be professionally produced every single time. Do something casual that teaches your audience something useful, or give away some helpful secrets of your trade, or even show a staff member being goofy at the copy machine!
Repurpose content that’s done well in the past. Lexabi Communications provides progress reports to our Gold clients so that they can look back and see what’s done well and possibly use it again, or provide ideas of what we should do more/less of. If you’re posting once/day, people only see that one bit of information at that moment their thumbing by so don’t shy away from sharing similar ‘stuff’ on a regular basis.
If you would like more social media content ideas, book a complimentary 30-minute strategy session with Andrea, the CEO of Lexabi.
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